Your First Step

Wondering whether you are pregnant can be nerve-wracking, and it’s natural to have fears. However, getting an initial result with a pregnancy test is your first step to finding a path forward.

Moore Options Pregnancy Center provides various medical services, including no-cost pregnancy testing, to help you get the answers you deserve. As you determine what’s next, know that you aren’t alone.

How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?

All pregnancy tests, whether blood-based or urine-based, look for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). This hormone is typically only present in the body during pregnancy and rises rapidly during the initial weeks.

All at-home tests are urine-based and can be found at pharmacies and grocery stores. Blood-based tests, on the other hand, are administered at a doctor’s office. These tests are more sensitive because they can detect lower levels of hCG but are also more expensive.

When Should I Take A Pregnancy Test?

Knowing when to take a pregnancy test can be challenging, especially if you have irregular periods or don’t have typical pregnancy symptoms. However, if you have had sexual intercourse recently or do have symptoms, it’s vital to test for pregnancy.

The best time to take a test is after your missed period. Waiting a week after your missed period (or several weeks after sexual intercourse) is ideal because it gives any hCG in your body time to build to detectable levels.

Testing first thing in the morning also increases your chances of getting an accurate result because your urine will be at its most concentrated. Often, women may receive a false-negative result if they take the test later in the day or test too early in the pregnancy.

If you receive a negative result but still suspect you’re pregnant, you can wait a few days and test again.

What If My Pregnancy Test Comes Back Positive?

If you have a positive pregnancy test, take a deep breath. You still need to confirm your pregnancy and ensure you have the information needed to move forward.

First, take advantage of lab-quality pregnancy testing. You’ll receive an accurate result you can trust, and if it’s positive, you can confirm critical pregnancy details with an ultrasound.

You’re not alone at Moore Options Pregnancy Center. Here, you can confirm your pregnancy and discuss your options in a safe, confidential environment.

Contact us today to get started.

You Have A Place Here

Life isn't easy, and it doesn't always go as planned. However, you are more capable than you realize.

No matter your circumstances, Moore Options Pregnancy Center will help you chart a path forward.

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